Industry Based Solutions

Supply Chain Made Faster & Better

Discrete Manufacturing

 28 Oct 2022

VENDORA for manufacturing companies gives organisations better control and visibility into the procurement process for manufacturing. Focus of discrete manufacturers is on cutting costs by reducing waste and cutting down the time for production is essential. A typical vendor management software will support lean manufacturing by matching the inflow of…

Home Appliance Industry

 14 Oct 2020

A drift from regional to global supply chain processes is adding complication to the home appliance supply chain at an unprecedented level, driving a growing need for automation and collaboration. The home appliance industry is highly customer centric, with electronics companies being engaged in a perpetual battle between demand variability…

EPC Industry

 14 Oct 2020

From the long time back Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) industries are moving towards SCM philosophy in order to make organization effective and more efficient. The main drive behind the adoption of this philosophy was the successes within other industry sectors. SCM is to produce quality and value in the…
