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Integrating Tally with the Vendor Management Software is Advantageous


A Vendor Management Software (VMS) can be integrated with ERP/SAP to bridge the gap found between buyers and sellers. The VMS which can be integrated with Tally software brings a big relief to the industries using only Tally to run their businesses or industries. This integration capability allows a two-way data transfer. Pulling data out of the Tally database or pushing data into it, is made easy. This method is possible using CSV files. CSV or Comma-Separated-Value are files of value (cells) separated by commas in a series of lines (or rows). This file can be opened in a text editor and read. But there are many applications available to read CSV files. Many languages offer built-in functions to read or write on the CSV format. Professionals in visualizations and data analysis use these files.

Improve Buyer-Seller relations

To keep your customers satisfied, you need to provide your customers with the product they want and it should be reusable with whatever existing software they have. However, a Vendor Management Software like Vendora, can help to overcome the difficulties companies face in communicating with their vendors. With a web-based VMS integrated with any existing software, vendors gain access to the system and can know the status of the work which can help to end any misunderstanding arising. The software also helps to share data needed to plan the next steps. Sharing a platform and the information improves visibility and transparency to help build vendor relationship.

Advantages of integrating Tally with Vendor Management Software

There are some intrinsic advantages in using the CSV file for integration. CSV is a standard format of saving tabular information into a delimited text file. It is less versatile, does not have any data types and also more secured. CSV files consume less memory and is, when compared with other file formats, very compact. It’s simplicity and flexibility is because it is humanly readable and easy to edit manually

Anyone interested in integrating the Tally software with a vendor management system, like Vendora, can contact us. By using the vendor management software, your processes will be better organized and streamlined. Consider installing the versatile Vendora, vendor management software, to improve the vendor workflow process. It leads to better productivity and reputation that helps to boost your business turnover. Just contact us for web-based vendor management software requirements.